Ideaconsult Ltd.

Ideaconsult Ltd.

Ideaconsult Ltd is a small company registered with the Sofia City Court at the end of 2004. It’s relatively young but enthusiastic, experienced personnel has long lasting expertise and skills in the Information Technology sector. The company was founded with the objective to provide consultancy and technical services in the areas of cheminformatics, QSAR, data mining; design and feasibility study of computer networks; support to governmental organizations, small and medium enterprises, etc. The company was successful in undertaking and completing projects for the years 2005-2007. Recent projects: 1)“Development of a computer tool that will be used in the application of the threshold of toxicological concern (TTC) concept”, completed Oct. 2005, funded by the ECB, 2)“Development of a software tool to encode and apply chemical similarity indices” completed Nov 2006, funded by ECB), 3)“Development of a software tool for predicting mutagenicity, genotoxic and carcinogenicity (in progress, ECB funded), “Implementation of a tailor-made web accessible database using building blocks from the AMBIT software” (in progress, ECB funded). The AMBIT database, being extended under this project, is expected to become a reference site for retrieving robust summaries of (Q)SAR models in QSAR Model Reporting Format (QMRF).

Short profile of staff members:

Dr. Nina Jeliazkova (NJ) – Ideaconsult Ltd., technical manager, software developer, researcher;
Dr. Luben Boyanov (LB) – Ideaconsult Ltd., administrative manager;
Vedrin Jeliazkov (VJ) – Ideaconsult Ltd., researcher, quality assurance;
Prof. Boris Aleksiev (BA) – consultantbr>

Dr. Nina Jeliazkova PhD in Computer Science, Sofia , Bulgaria (Thesis “Novel computer methods for molecular modelling”) - 2001. Professional Experience: 1991-1995, researcher at the Central Laboratory of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia - 1996-2001, software developer with the Laboratory of Mathe­matical Chemistry, Bourgas, Bulgaria - 1996-2001, PostDoc at Central Product Safety department, Procter & Gamble, Brussels, Belgium - 2002-2003, associate professor at Bulgarian Academy of Science in Sofia, 2004 - now, technical manager at Ideaconsult Ltd., 2005 – now: Teaching Computer Graphics, Computer archi­tectures, Operating Systems, Internetworking at Technical University - Sofia, New Bulgarian Uni­ver­si­ty, American College - Sofia. Author and co-author of about 40 scientific papers ( Research interests: cheminformatics, QSAR, applicability domain, data mining methods, network protocols.

Dr. L. Boyanov Ph.D. in Computer Science, Manchester University, UK, 1995. Researcher at Central Insti­tute for Computing, Sofia, (1985-1986), research associate and assistant professor at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (2002–present), Head of International Cooperation Department of the Ministry of Environment and Waters, Bulgaria (1998-2000), Director of the International Relations Directorate of the Ministry of Education and Science, Bulgaria (2001), Director of Ideaconsult Ltd. (2004-present).

The main contribution of Ideaconsult to WP 5 of CADASTER will be to extend the current Ambit software system in order to expose Ambit functionalities as Web services, thus allowing them to be used by any other software system over the internet. Ambit already provides online simple and complex substructure and similarity searches through Java servlets and wrapping this functionality is a logical extension that fits well into WP5. Ambit database engine provides an efficient solution for storing and retrieving data, that will be gathered in WP2 and analyzed in WP3.

Selected list of publications:

1. J Jaworska, N Nikolova-Jeliazkova. How can structural similarity analysis help in category formation, SAR and QSAR in Environmental Research, 18, 3-4 (2007).

2. J Jaworska, N Nikolova-Jeliazkova, T Aldenberg. QSAR Applicability Domain Estimation by Projection of the Training Set in Descriptor Space: A Review, ATLA 33, 445–459 (2005)

3. N Nikolova-Jeliazkova, J Jaworska. An Approach to Determining Applicability Domains for QSAR Group Contribution Models: An Analysis of SRC KOWWIN, ATLA 33, 461–470 (2005)

4. T Netzeva, A. Worth, T Aldenberg, R Benigni, M Cronin, P Gramatica, J Jaworska, S Kahn, G Klopman, C Marchant, G Myatt, N Nikolova-Jeliazkova, G Patlewicz, R Perkins, D Roberts, T Schultz, D Stanton, J van de Sandt, W Tong, G Veith, C Yang. ECVAM Workshop report. Current status of methods for defining the applicability domain of (Q)SARs, ATLA 33, 155-173 (2005)

5. N Nikolova, J Jaworska. Approaches to Measure Chemical Similarity - a Review. QSAR Comb. Sci. 22, 9-10, 1006-1026 (2003).
