Mark Huijbregts
- Name
Dr. Mark Huijbregts
- Institute
- Postal addresse
Dr. Mark Huijbregts
Department of Environmental Science
Faculty of Science, Radboud University Nijmegen
Heyendaalseweg 135
P.O. Box 9010
6500 GL Nijmegen
The Netherlands - Phone
Phone: Mobile: Fax: - Web
Homepage: eMail: - About
Research focus
Evaluation of sustainability indicator systems of various complexity
Methodology development in life cycle impact assessment.
Life cycle assessment of renewable energy sources (biofuels, advanced solar cells)
Avancement of human and ecological risk assessmentEU research projects
KP6-EU NoMiracle project
KP7-EU CADASTER project, CAse studies on the Development and Application of in-Silico Techniques for Environmental hazard and Risk assessment
KP7-EU PROSUITE project, Development and application of a standardized methodology for the PROspective SUstaInability assessment of TEchnologiesTeaching focus
Master thesis coordinator Environmental Science (national and international), Faculty of Science, Radboud University Nijmegen
Coordinator of the courses ‘Human and Ecological Risk Assessment’ and ‘Environmental Chemistry and Sustainibility’
Lecturer in the Master Courses ‘Environmental Sciences’ and ‘Envirommental and Ecological Modeling’ and the PhD courses ‘Environmental Risk Assessment of Micropollutants’ and ‘Life Cycle Assessment’
Supervisor of +/- 30 Master theses - Curriculum Vitae
M.Sc. Toxicology, Faculty of Medicine, Radboud University Nijmegen, 1996
M.Sc. Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Science, Radboud University Nijmegen, 1996 (With Honour)
Young Scientist Summer Program (YSSP), Transboundary Air Pollution, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Laxenburg, Oostenrijk, 1999
Ph.D in Natural Sciences, University of Amsterdam, ‘Uncertainty and variability in environmental life-cycle assessment’, 2001Positions
Postdoc at the Department of Environmental Science, Faculty of Science, Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands, 2000 - 2003
Assistent Professor, Department of Environmental Science, Faculty of Science, Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands, 2003 – now. - List of publications
- Hollander A., Pistocchi A, Huijbregts MAJ, Ragas AMJ, Van de Meent. 2009. Substance or space? The relative importance of substance properties and environmental characteristics in modeling the fate of chemicals in Europe. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 24 (1): 44-51.
- Ragas AMJ, Huijbregts MAJ, Henning-de Jong I, Leuven RSEW. 2009. Uncertainty in Environmental Risk Assessment: Implications for Risk-Based Management of River Basins. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management 5(1): 27-37.
Reijnders L, Huijbregts MAJ. 2009. Biofuels for road transport: A seed to wheel perspective. Series: Green Energy and Technology. Springer, London. ISBN: 978-1-84882-137-8, 170 p.
- Van Zelm R, Huijbregts MAJ, Posthuma L, Wintersen A, Van de Meent D. 2009. Pesticide ecotoxicological effect factors and their uncertainties for freshwater ecosystems. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 14:
- Lammers A, Moles R, Walsh C, Huijbregts MAJ. 2008. Ireland’s footprint: a time series for 1983–2001. Land Use Policy 25 (1): 53-58.
- Reijnders L, Huijbregts MAJ. 2008. Palm oil and the emission of carbon-based greenhouse gases. Journal of Cleaner Production 16 (4): 477-482.
- De Vos MG, Huijbregts MAJ, Van den Heuvel-Greve M, Vethaak D, Van de Vijver K, Leonards P, Van Leeuwen S, De Voogt P, Hendriks J. 2008. Accumulation of perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) in the food chain of the Western Scheldt estuary. Comparing field measurements with kinetic modeling. Chemosphere 70 (10): 1766-1773.
- Huijbregts MAJ, Hellweg S, Frischknecht R, Hungerbühler K, Hendriks AJ. 2008. Ecological Footprint Accounting in the Life Cycle Assessment of Products. Ecological Economics 64 (4): 798-807.
- Van Zelm R, Huijbregts MAJ, Den Hollander HA, Van Jaarsveld HA, Sauter FJ, Struijs J, Van Wijnen HJ, Van de Meent D. 2008. European characterization factors for respiratory health damage due to PM10 and ozone in life cycle impact assessment. Atmospheric Environment 42 (3): 441-453.
- Henning-de Jong I, Van Zelm R, Huijbregts MAJ, De Zwart D, Van der Linden TAMA, Wintersen A, Posthuma L, Van de Meent D. 2008. Ranking of agricultural pesticides in the Rhine-Meuse-Scheldt basin based on toxic pressure in marine ecosystems. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 27 (3):737-745.
- Smit MGD, Holthaus KIE, Trannum HC, Neff JM, Kjeilen-Eilertsen G, Jak RG, Singsaas I, Huijbregts MAJ, Hendriks AJ. 2008. Species sensitivity distributions for suspended clays, sediment burial and grain size change in the marine environment. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 27 (4): 1006-1012.
- Smit MGD, Ebbens E, Jak RG, Huijbregts MAJ. 2008. Time and concentration dependency in the potentially affected fraction of species: the case of hydrogen peroxide treatment of ballast water. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 27 (3): 746-753.
- Veltman K, Huijbregts MAJ, Van Kolck M, Wang W-X, Hendriks AJ.2008. Metal bioaccumulation in aquatic species: quantification of uptake and elimination rate constants using physicochemical properties of metals and physiological characteristics of species. Environmental Science and Technology 42 (3): 852-858.
- Wegener Sleeswijk A, Van Oers LFCM, Guinée JB, Struijs J, Huijbregts MAJ. 2008. Normalisation in product life cycle assessment: An LCA of the global and European economic systems in the year 2000. Science of the Total Environment 390 (1): 227-240.
- Van Kolck M, Huijbregts MAJ, Veltman K, Hendriks AJ. 2008. Estimating bioconcentration factors, lethal concentrations and critical body residues of metals in the mollusks Perna viridis and Mytilus edulis using ion characteristics. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 27 (2): 272-276.
- Brakkee KW, Huijbregts MAJ, Eickhout B, Hendriks AJ, van de Meent D. 2008. Characterisation factors for greenhouse gases at a midpoint level including indirect effects based on calculations with the IMAGE model. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 13 (3): 191-201.
- Havlikova M, Kroeze C, Huijbregts MAJ. 2008. Environmental and health impact by dairy cattle livestock and manure management in the Czech Republic. Sci. Total Environ. 396 (2-3): 121-131.
- Hauck M, Huijbregts MAJ, Armitage JM, Cousins IT, Ragas AMJ, Van de Meent D. 2008. Model and input uncertainty in multi-media fate modeling: Benzo[a]pyrene concentrations in Europe. Chemosphere 72 (6) 959-967.
- Reijnders L, Huijbregts MAJ. 2008. Biogenic greenhouse gas emissions linked to the life cycles of biodiesel derived from European rapeseed and Brazilian soybeans Journal of Cleaner Production 16 (18): 1943-1948. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2008.01.012
- Lundie S, Huijbregts MAJ, Rowley HV, Mohr NJ, Feitz AJ. 2007. Australian human and eco-toxicity life cycle impact assessment characterisation factors and normalisation data for 2002/2003. Journal of Cleaner Production 15 (8): 819-832.
- Van Zelm R, Huijbregts MAJ, Van Jaarsveld HA, Reinds GJ, De Zwart D, Struijs J, Van de Meent D. 2007. Time horizon dependent characterization factors for acidification in life-cycle impact assessment based on the disappeared fraction of plant species in European forests. Environmental Science and Technology 41: 922-927.
- Veltman K, Huijbregts MAJ, Vijver MG, Peijnenburg WJGM, Hobbelen PHF, Koolhaas JE, Van Gestel KAM, Van Vliet PJC, Hendriks AJ. 2007. Metal accumulation in the earthworm lumbricus rubellus. Model predictions compared to field data. Environmental Pollution 146 (2): 428-436.
- Mohr NJ, Schermer JJ, Huijbregts MAJ, Meijer A, Reijnders L. 2007. Life cycle assessment of InGaP/GaAs and thin-film GaAs solar modules. Progress in Photovoltaics 15 (2): 163-180.
- Juraske R, Antón, A, Castells, F, Huijbregts MAJ. 2007. Pesticide fate and exposure model validation with Captan residue measurements in greenhouse tomato plants. Chemosphere 67 (6): 1102-1107.
- Van Zelm R, Huijbregts MAJ, Harbers JV, Wintersen A, Struijs J, Posthuma L, Van de Meent D. 2007. Uncertainty in msPAF-based ecotoxicological freshwater effect factors for chemicals with a non-specific mode of action in life cycle impact assessment. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management 3 (2): 203-210.
- Hauck M, Huijbregts MAJ, Koelmans AA, Moermond CTA, Van den Heuvel-Greve MJ, Veltman K, Hendriks AJ, Vethaak AD. 2007. Including sorption to black carbon in modeling bioaccumulation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons: Uncertainty analysis and comparison with field data. Environmental Science and Technology 41 (8): 2738-2744.
- Reijnders L, Huijbregts MAJ. 2007. Life cycle greenhouse gas emissions, fossil fuel demand and solar energy conversion efficiency in European bioethanol production for automotive purposes. Journal of Cleaner Production 15 (18): 1806-1812.
- Hollander A, Baijens I, Ragas A, Huijbregts MAJ, Van de Meent D. 2007. Validation of predicted exponential concentration profiles of chemicals in soils. Environmental Pollution 147 (3): 757-763.
- Hollander A, Sauter F, Den Hollander H, Huijbregts MAJ, Ragas A, Van de Meent D. 2007. Spatial variance in multimedia mass balance models: comparison of LOTOS-EUROS and SimpleBox for PCB-153. Chemosphere 68 (7): 1318-1326.
- Bösch ME, Hellweg S, Huijbregts MAJ, Frischknecht R. 2007. Applying Cumulative Exergy Demand (CExD) Indicators to the ecoinvent Database. International Journal of LCA 12 (3): 181-190.
- Veltman K, Huijbregts MAJ, Hamers T, Wijnhoven S, Hendriks AJ. 2007. Cadmium accumulation in herbivorous and carnivorous small mammals Validation of the bioaccumulation model OMEGA with field data. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 26 (7): 1488-1496.
- Armitage JM, Cousins IT, Hauck M, Harbers JV, Huijbregts MAJ. 2007. Empirical evaluation of spatial and non-spatial European-scale multimedia fate models: Results and implications for chemical risk assessment. Journal of Environmental Monitoring 9 (6): 572-58.
- Juraske R, Antón A, Castells F, Huijbregts MAJ. 2007. Pestcreen PestScreen: A screening approach for scoring and ranking pesticides by their environmental and toxicological concern. Environment International 33 (7): 886-893.
- Hendriks AJ, Smitkova H, Huijbregts MAJ. 2007. A new twist on an old regression: transfer of chemicals to beef and milk in human and ecological risk assessment. Chemosphere 70 (1): 46-56.
- Dewulf J, De Meester B, Van der Vorst G, Van Langenhove H, Bosch M, Hellweg S, Huijbregts MAJ. 2007. Cumulative Exergy Extraction from the Natural Environment (CEENE): a comprehensive Life Cycle Impact Assessment method for resource accounting. Environmental Science and Technology 41 (24): 8477-8483.
- Huijbregts MAJ, Rombouts LJA, Hellweg S, Frischknecht R, Hendriks AJ, Van de Meent D, Ragas AMJ, Reijnders L, Struijs J, 2006. Is Cumulative Fossil Energy Demand a Useful Indicator for the Environmental Performance of Products? Environmental Science and Technology 40 (3): 641-648.
- Harbers JV, Huijbregts MAJ, Posthuma L, Van de Meent D. 2006. Estimating the Impact of High Production Volume Chemicals on Remote Ecosystems by Toxic Pressure Calculation. Environmental Science and Technology 40 (5): 1573-1580.
- Huijbregts MAJ, Guinee JB, Potting J, Huppes G. 2006. Helias A. Udo de Haes: a practical scientist. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 11 (S1): 3.
- Hollander A, Huijbregts MAJ, Ragas AMJ, Van de Meent D. 2006. BasinBox: a generic multimedia fate model for predicting the fate of chemicals in river catchments. Hydrobiologia 565: 21-38.
- Vugteveen P, Leuven RSEW, Huijbregts MAJ, Lenders HJR. 2006. Redefinition and elaboration of river ecosystem health: perspective for river management. Hydrobiologia 565: 289-308.
- Meijer A, Huijbregts MAJ, Hertwich E, Reijnders L. 2006. Including Human Health Damages due to Road Traffic in Life Cycle Assessment of Dwellings. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 11 (S1): 64-71.
- Veltman K, Huijbregts MAJ, Van de Heuvel-Greeve M, Vethaak D, Hendriks AJ. 2006. Organotin accumulation in marine and estuarine food chains: field measurements and model calculations. Marine Environmental Research 61 (5): 511-530.
- Ragas AMJ, Huijbregts MAJ, Van Kaathoven E, Wolsink J, Wemmenhove J. 2006. Development and implementation of a right-to-know website that presents estimated cancer risks caused by large industrial facilities. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management 2 (4): 365-374.[365:DAIOAR]2.0.CO;2
- Reijnders L, Huijbregts MAJ. 2005. Life cycle emissions of greenhouse gases associated with burning animal wastes in countries of the European Union. Journal of Cleaner Production 13: 51-56.
- Huijbregts MAJ, Geelen L, Hertwich E, McKone TE, Van de Meent D. 2005. Human intake fraction of toxic pollutants: a model comparison between CalTOX and USES-LCA. Environtal Toxicolology and Chemistry 24 (2): 486-493.
- Van de Meent D, Huijbregts MAJ, 2005. Evaluating ecotoxicological effect factors based on the Potentially Affected Fraction of species. Environmental Toxicolology and Chemistry 24 (6): 1573-1578.
- Kooistra L, Huijbregts MAJ, Ragas AMJ, Wehrens R, Leuven RSEW. 2005. Spatial variability and uncertainty in ecological risk assessment: a case study on the effect of cadmium for the little owl in a Dutch river floodplain. Environmental Science and Technology 39: 2177-2187.
- Huijbregts MAJ, Rombouts LJA, Ragas AMJ, Van de Meent D. 2005. Human-toxicological effect and damage factors of carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic chemicals for life cycle impact assessment. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management 1 (3): 181-244.
- Hendriks AJ, Traas TP, Huijbregts MAJ. 2005. Critical body residues linked to octanol-water partitioning, organism composition and LC50 QSARs: Meta-analysis and model. Environmental Science and Technology 39: 3226-3236.
- Bos R, Huijbregts MAJ, Peijnenburg WJGM. 2005. Soil type specific environmental quality standards for zinc in Dutch soil. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management 1 (3): 252-258.
- Leuven RSEW, Wijnhoven S, Kooistra L, De Nooij RJW, Huijbregts MAJ. 2005. Toxicological constraints for rehabilitation of riverine habitats: a case study for metal contamination of floodplain soils along the Rhine. Archiv für Hydrobiologie Supplt. 155 (1-4) Large Rivers 15 (1-4): 657-676.
- Veltman K, Hendriks J, Huijbregts MAJ, Leonards P, Van de Heuvel-Greeve M, Vethaak D. 2005. Organochlorine and organobromine accumulation in marine and estuarine food chains: field measurements and model calculations. Marine Pollution Bulletin 50: 1085-1102.
- Meijer A, Huijbregts MAJ, Reijnders L. 2005. Human health damages due to indoor sources of organic compounds and radioactivity in life cycle impact assessment of dwellings – Part I: Characterisation factors. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 10 (5):309-316.
- Meijer A, Huijbregts MAJ, Reijnders L. 2005. Human health damages due to indoor sources of organic compounds and radioactivity in life cycle impact assessment of dwellings – Part 2: Damage scores. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 10 (6): 383-392.
- Huijbregts MAJ, Struijs J, Goedkoop M, Heijungs R, Hendriks AJ, Van de Meent D. 2005. Human population intake fractions and environmental fate factors of toxic pollutants in Life Cycle Impact Assessment. Chemosphere 61 (10): 1495-1504.
- Smitkova H, Huijbregts MAJ, Hendriks J. 2005. Comparison of three fish bioaccumulation models for ecological and human risk assessment and validation with field data. SAR QSAR Research16 (5): 483–493.
- Antón, A., Castells, F., Montero, J.I. and Huijbregts, MAJ. 2004. Pesticides toxicity in life cycle assessment. Comparing impacts on human health and the environment of integrated and chemical pest management in Mediterranean tomato greenhouses. Chemosphere 54: 1225-1235.
- Huijbregts MAJ, Heijungs R, Hellweg S. 2004. 2nd Biannual Meeting of iEMSs - Complexicity and Integrated Resource Management: Uncertainty in LCA. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 9 (5): 341-342.
- Huijbregts MAJ, Breedveld L, Huppes G, De Koning A, Van Oers L, Suh S. 2003. Normalisation figures for environmental life-cycle assessment: The Netherlands (1997/1998), Western Europe (1995) and the world (1990 and 1995). Journal of Cleaner Production 11 (7): 737-748.
- Reijnders L, Huijbregts MAJ. 2003. Choices in calculating life cycle emissions of carbon containing gases associated with forest derived biofuels. Journal of Cleaner Production 11: 527-532.
- Huijbregts MAJ, Lundie S, McKone TE, Van de Meent D. 2003. Geographical scenario uncertainty in generic fate and exposure factors of toxic pollutants for life-cycle impact assessment. Chemosphere 51: 501-508.
- Roelofs W, Huijbregts MAJ, Jager T, Ragas AMJ. 2003. Prediction of ecological no-effect concentrations for initial risk assessment: combining substance-specific data and database information. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 22 (6): 1387-1393.<1387:POENEC>2.0.CO;2
- Huijbregts MAJ, Gilijamse W, Ragas AMJ, Reijnders L. 2003. Evaluating Uncertainty in Environmental Life-Cycle Assessment: a case study comparing two insulation options for a Dutch one-family dwelling. Environmental Science and Technology 37: 2600-2608.
- Meijer A, Huijbregts MAJ, Schermer JJ, Reijnders L. 2003. Life-cycle Assessment of Photovoltaic Modules. Comparison of mc-Si, InGaP and InGaP/mc-Si solar modules. Progress in Photovoltaics 11: 275-287.
- Huijbregts MAJ, Van de Meent D, Goedkoop M, Spriensma R. 2002. Ecotoxicological impacts in life cycle assessment. In: The use of species sensitivity distributions in ecotoxicology. Edited by L. Posthuma, Th.P. Traas and G.W. Suter. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, USA. pp. 421-433.
- Guinée JB, Gorrée M, Heijungs R, Huppes G, Kleijn R, De Koning A, Van Oers L, Wegener Sleeswijk A, Suh S, Udo de Haes HA, De Bruijn H, Van Duin R, Huijbregts MAJ. 2002. Handbook on life cycle assessment. Operational guide to the ISO Standards. Centre of Environmental Science, Leiden, The Netherlands.
- Hertwich E, Jolliet O, Pennington D, Hauschild M, Schulze C, Krewitt W, Huijbregts MAJ. 2002. Fate and exposure assessment in the life cycle impact assessment of toxic chemicals. In: Udo de Haes, H.A. (Ed.). Best available practice regarding impact categories and category indicators in life cycle impact assessment. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry-Europe, Brussels, Belgium.
- Huijbregts MAJ, Norris G, Bretz R, Ciroth A, Maurice B, Von Bahr B, Weidema B, De Beaufort ASH. 2002. Framework for modelling data uncertainty in life cycle inventories. Chapter 5. In: Data availability and quality. Edited by A.S.H. de Beaufort and R. Bretz. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry-Europe, Brussels, Belgium.
- Huijbregts MAJ. 2002. Uncertainty and variability in environmental life-cycle assessment. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 7(3): 173.
- Huijbregts MAJ, Reijnders L. 2002. Priority assessment of toxic substance in LCA. Epidemiology 13(4): S115-S115.
- Huijbregts MAJ, Guinée JB, Reijnders L. 2001. Priority assessment of toxic substances in LCA. Part III: Export of potential impact over time and space. Chemosphere 44 (1): 59-65.
- Huijbregts MAJ, Seppälä J. 2001. Life cycle impact assessment of pollutants causing aquatic eutrophication. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 6 (6): 339-343.
- Huijbregts MAJ, Norris G, Bretz R, Ciroth A, Maurice B, Von Bahr B, Weidema B, De Beaufort ASH. 2001. Framework for modelling data uncertainty in life cycle inventories. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 6 (3): 127-132.
- Huijbregts MAJ, Thissen U, Guinée JB, Jager T, Van de Meent D, Ragas AMJ, Wegener Sleeswijk A, Reijnders L. 2000. Priority assessment of toxic substances in life cycle assessment, I: Calculation of toxicity potentials for 181 substances with the nested multi-media fate, exposure and effects model USES-LCA. Chemosphere 41: 541-573.
- Huijbregts MAJ, Thissen U, Guinée JB, Jager T, Van de Meent D, Ragas AMJ. 2000. Priority assessment of toxic substances in LCA. II: Assessing parameter uncertainty and human variability in the calculation of toxicity potentials. Chemosphere 41: 575-588.
- Huijbregts MAJ, Seppälä J. 2000. Towards region-specific, European fate factors for airborne nitrogen compounds causing aquatic eutrophication. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 5 (2): 65-67.
- Huijbregts MAJ, Schöpp W, Verkuijlen E, Heijungs R, Reijnders L. 2000. Spatially explicit characterisation of acidifying and eutrophying air pollution in life-cycle assessment. Journal Industrial Ecology 4 (3): 125-142.
- Reijnders L, Huijbregts MAJ. 2000. Tools for the environmental evaluation and improvement of buildings. Milieu 15 (2): 89-96.
- Huijbregts MAJ, Thissen U, Guinée JB, Jager T, Van de Meent D, Ragas AMJ, Reijnders L. 2000. Priority Assessment of Toxic Substances in LCA: A Probabilistic Approach. In: An international workshop on life cycle impact assessment sophistication. Edited by JC Bare, HA Udo de Haes and DW Pennington. Office of Research and development. US-EPA/600/R-00/023, Washington DC, USA. pp 53-59.
- Lenders HJR, Huijbregts MAJ, Aarts BGW, Van Turnhout CAM. 1999. Assessing the degree of preservation of landscape, natural and cultural-historical values in river dike reinforcement projects. Regulated Rivers: Research & Management 15: 325-337.<325::AID-RRR545>3.0.CO;2-G
- Ragas AMJ, Huijbregts MAJ. 1998. Evaluating the coherence between environmental quality objectives and the acceptable or tolerable daily intake. Regul. Toxicol. Pharmacol. 27: 251-264.
- Stouthart XJHX, Huijbregts MAJ, Balm PHM, Lock RAC, Wendelaar Bonga SE. 1998. Endocrine stress response and abnormal development in carp (Cyprinus carpio) larvae after exposure of the embryos to PCB 126. Fish Phys. Biochem. 18: 321-329.
- Huijbregts MAJ. 1998. Application of uncertainty and variability in LCA. Part I: A general framework for the analysis of uncertainty and variability in life cycle assessment. Int. J. LCA 3 (5): 273-280.
- Huijbregts MAJ. 1998. Application of uncertainty and variability in LCA. Part II: Dealing with parameter uncertainty and uncertainty due to choices in life cycle assessments. Int. J. LCA 3 (6): 343-351.
