Tomas Öberg
- Name
Assoc. Prof. Tomas Öberg
- Institute
- Postal addresse
University of Kalmar
SE-391 82 Kalmar, Sweden - Phone
Phone: +46-480-446247 Mobile: +46-706-412157 Fax: - Web
Homepage: eMail: - About
Academic degrees
University of Kalmar, Docent in Environmental Chemistry, 2004.
University of Kalmar, Ph.D. in Environmental Science, 2003.
Uppsala University, B.Sc. in Chemistry and Biomedicine, 1980. - Curriculum Vitae
University of Kalmar, Senior Lecturer in Environmental Science, 2008 -
University of Kalmar, Research Fellow in Environmental Risk Analysis, 2004 - 2008
Tomas Öberg Konsult AB, Senior Advisor/Consultant, 2002 - 2003.
MultiSimplex AB (publ.), Managing Director, 1997 - 2001.
Bergström & Öberg, Senior Advisor/Consultant, 1995 - 1996.
Tomas Öberg Konsult AB, Senior Advisor/Consultant, 1990 - 1994.
County Administration of Blekinge, Principal Administrative Officer, 1989 - 1990.
Studsvik AB, Project Manager & Senior Advisor/Consultant, 1982 - 1988.
Swedish Defence Research Institute, Research Engineer, 1980 - 1981. - List of publications
Journal paper (peer-reviewed)
- Farnelid, H., Öberg, T. and Riemann, L. (2009). Identity and dynamics of putative N2-fixing picoplankton in the Baltic Sea proper suggest complex patterns of regulation. Environmental Microbiology Reports. 1. 145-154.
- Cederqvist, L., Sorensen, C.D., Reynolds, A.P. and Öberg, T. (2009). Improved process stability during friction stir welding of 5 cm thick copper canisters through shoulder geometry and parameter studies. Science and Technology of Welding and Joining. 14, 178-184.
- Liu, T. and Öberg, T. (2009). Modelling of partition constants: Linear solvation energy relationships or PLS regression?. Journal of Chemometrics. In press.
- Öberg, T., Bergbäck, B. and Filipsson, M. (2008). Catalytic effects by metal oxides on the formation and degradation of chlorinated aromatic compounds in fly ash. Chemosphere. 71. 1135-1143.
- Zhu, H., Tropsha, A., Fourches, D., Varnek, A., Papa, E., Gramatica, P., Öberg, T., Dao, P., Cherkasov, A. and Tetko, I. (2008). Combinational QSAR modeling of chemical toxicants tested against Tetrahymena pyriformis. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling. 48. 766–784.
- Alriksson, S. and Öberg, T. (2008). Conjoint analysis for environmental valuation - A review of methods and applications. ESPR - Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 15. 244-257.
- Tetko, I., Sushko, I., Pandey, A., Zhu, H., Tropsha, A., Papa, E., Öberg, T., Todeschini, R., Fourches, D. and Varnek, A. (2008). Critical assessment of QSAR models of environmental toxicity against Tetrahymena pyriformis: Focusing on applicability domain and overfitting by variable selection. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling. 48. 1733-1746.
- Öberg, T. and Liu, T. (2008). Global and Local PLS Regression Models to Predict Vapor Pressure. QSAR & Combinatorial Science. 27. 273-279.
- Cederqvist, L. and Öberg, T. (2008). Reliability study of friction stir welded copper canisters containing Sweden's nuclear waste. Reliability Engineering & System Safety. 93. 1491-1499.
- Öberg, T. (2007). A general structure-property relationship to predict the enthalpy of vaporization at ambient temperatures. SAR and QSAR in Environmental Research. 18. 127-139.
- Öberg, T., Bergbäck, B. and Öberg, E. (2007). Different catalytic effects by copper and chromium on the formation and degradation of chlorinated aromatic compounds in fly ash. Environmental Science & Technology. 41. 3741-3746.
- Bergius, K. and Öberg, T. (2007). Initial screening of contaminated land: A comparison of U.S. and Swedish methods. Environmental Management. 39. 226-234.
- Öberg, T. (2007). Low-temperature formation and degradation of chlorinated benzenes, PCDD and PCDF in dust from steel production. Science of the Total Environment. 382. 153-158.
- Öberg, T., Öhrström, T. and Bergström, J. (2007). Metal catalyzed formation of chlorinated aromatic compounds: A study of the correlation pattern in incinerator fly ash. Chemosphere. 67. S185-S190.
- Sander, P. and Öberg, T. (2006). Comparing deterministic and probabilistic risk assessments. A case study at a closed steel mill in southern Sweden. Journal of Soils and Sediments. 6. 55-61.
- Öberg, T. (2006). Introducing chemometrics to graduate students. Journal of Chemical Education. 83. 1178-1181.
- Sander, P., Bergbäck, B. and Öberg, T. (2006). Uncertain numbers and uncertainty in the selection of input distributions – Consequences for a probabilistic risk assessment of contaminated land. Risk Analysis. 26. 1363-1375.
- Öberg, T. (2006). Virtual screening for environmental pollutants - Structure-activity relationships applied to a database of industrial chemicals. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 25. 1178-1183.
- Öberg, T. (2005). A QSAR for the hydroxyl radical reaction rate constant: Validation, domain of application, and prediction. Atmospheric Environment. 39. 2189-2200.
- Öberg, T. and Bergbäck, B. (2005). A review of probabilistic risk assessment of contaminated land. Journal of Soils and Sediments. 5. 213-224.
- Öberg, T. (2004). A QSAR for baseline toxicity: Validation, domain of application, and prediction. Chemical Research in Toxicology. 17. 1630 -1637.
- Öberg, T. (2004). Boiling points of halogenated aliphatic compounds: A quantitative structure-property relationship for prediction and validation. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences. 44. 187-192.
- Öberg, T. (2004). Halogenated aromatics from steel production: Results of a pilot-scale investigation. Chemosphere. 56. 441-448.
- Öberg, T. (2004). Indicator parameters for PCDD/PCDF from electric arc furnaces. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems. 73. 29-35.
- Öberg, T. (2004). Prediction of gas chromatographic separation for PBDE congeners from molecular descriptors. ESS Bulletin. 2. 74-90.
- Öberg, T., Öhrström, T. and Bergström, J. (2004). The correlation pattern of fly ash components: Chromium as a potential catalyst in the thermal formation of chlorinated aromatic compounds. Environmental Chemistry. 1. 18-21.
- Öberg, T. and Öhrström, T. (2003). Chlorinated aromatics from combustion: Influence of chlorine, combustion conditions and catalytic activity. Environmental Science & Technology. 37. 3995-4000.
- Öberg, T. (2003). Optimization of an industrial afterburner. Journal of Chemometrics. 17. 5-8.
- Öberg, K., Warman, K. and Öberg, T. (2002). Distribution and levels of brominated flame retardants in sewage sludge. Chemosphere. 48. 805-809.
- Öberg, T. (2002). Prediction of vapour pressures for halogenated diphenyl ether congeners from molecular descriptors. Environmental Science & Pollution Research. 9. 405-411.
- Öberg, T. (2001). Prediction of physical properties for PCB congeners from molecular descriptors. Internet Journal of Chemistry. 4. 11-.
- Öberg, T. (1998). Importance of the first design matrix in experimental simplex optimization. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems. 44. 147-151.
- Öberg, T. and Allhammar, G. (1989). Chlorinated aromatics from metallurgical industries - process factors influencing production and emissions. Chemosphere. 19. 711-716.
- Öberg, T. and Bergström, J. (1989). Indicator parameters for PCDD/PCDF. Chemosphere. 19. 337-344.
- Öberg, T., Warman, K. and Bergström, J. (1989). Production of chlorinated aromatics in the post-combustion zone and boiler. Chemosphere. 19. 317-322.
- Öberg, T., Warman, K. and Bergström, J. (1987). Brominated aromatics from combustion. Chemosphere. 16. 2451-2465.
- Öberg, T. and Bergström, J. (1987). Emission and chlorination pattern of PCDD/PCDF predicted from indicator parameters. Chemosphere. 16. 1221-1230.
- Öberg, T. and Bergström, J. (1986). Combustion test data from a Swedish hazardous waste incinerator. Chemosphere. 15. 2045-2048.
- Öberg, T. and Bergström, J. (1986). Dioxins from Scandinavian waste combustion plants. Chemosphere. 15. 2041-2044.
- Öberg, T., Aittola, J. and Bergström, J. (1985). Chlorinated aromatics from the combustion of hazardous waste. Chemosphere. 14. 215-221.
- Öberg, T. and Bergström, J. (1985). Hexachlorobenzene as an indicator of dioxin production from combustion. Chemosphere. 14. 1081-1086.Journal paper (scientific, not peer-reviewed)
- Alriksson, S. and Öberg, T. (2008). Conjoint analysis - A useful tool for assessing preferences for environmental issues. ESPR - Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 15. 119.
- Öberg, T. (2006). Book Review: Risk Management in Post-Trust Societies. Risk Analysis. 26. 859-861.
- Öberg, T. (2005). Book Review: Risks and Decisions for Conservation and Environmental Management. Risk Analysis. 25. 1685-1687.
- Öberg, T. and N. Deming, S. (2000). Find optimum operating conditions fast. Chemical Engineering Progress. 96. 53-59.
- Öberg, T. (1998). Optimization of a CHP Plant. NAmICS Newsletter. 17.Ph.D. Thesis
- Öberg, T. (2003). Persistent Organic Pollutants and the Environment — A Chemometric Approach to the Study of Halogenated Aromatics. Doctoral Thesis. University of Kalmar, Faculty of Natural Sciences.Conference paper (peer-reviewed)
- Öberg, T. (2002). Dioxin surrogates - a comparison of approaches. Organohalogen compounds. 59. 37-44.
- Öberg, T. and Bergström, J. (1992). Indicator parameters for PCDD/PCDF - plant specific models. Organohalogen Compounds. 8. 197-200.
- Öberg, T. and Bergström, J. (1990). Bromine and waste incineration - an environmental risk?. Organohalogen Compounds. 2. 339-342.
- Öberg, T., Warman, K. and Bergström, J. (1990). Distribution of toxic coplanar PCBs and PCDD/PCDF in pine needles from the Swedish environment - evaluation of data and source identification. Organohalogen Compounds. 1. 449-452.Conference paper (not peer-reviewed)
- Filipsson, M., Bergbäck, B. and Öberg, T. (2009). Exponeringsfaktorer vid riskbedömning – Inventering av dataunderlag. Posterpresentation vid Nätverket Renare Marks vårmöte i Stockholm, 24-25 mars.
- Öberg, T. (2009). Hantering av osäkerheter vid riskbedömningar. Presentation vid Nätverket Renare Marks vårmöte i Stockholm, 24-25 mars.
- Sander, P., Bergbäck, B. and Öberg, T. (2009). Probabilistisk riskbedömning. Posterpresentation vid Nätverket Renare Marks vårmöte i Stockholm, 24-25 mars.
- Peijnenburg, W., Durjava, M., Gramatica, P., Furusjö, E., Öberg, T., Jeliazkova, N., Huijbregts, M., Comber, M. and Tetko, I. (2008). CAse studies on the Development and Application of in-Silico Techniques for Environmental hazard (CADASTER). Presentation at the 17th European Symposium on QSAR in 'omics' and Systems Biology, Uppsala, September 21-26..
- Tetko, I., Tropsha, A., Zhu, H., Papa, E., Gramatica, P., Öberg, T., Fourches, D. and Varnek, A. (2008). Comparison of applicability domains of QSAR models: application to the modelling of the environmental toxicity against Tetrahymena pyriformis. Presentation at the 3rd German Conference on Chemoinformatics, Goslar, 11-13 November, 2007.. Chemistry Central Journal. 2 (Suppl 1). P14.
- Öberg, T. (2008). Öberg, T. Experience in teaching the concepts of variability and uncertainty in environmental risk analysis. Annual Meeting of the Society for Risk Analysis, Boston, Massachusetts, 7-10 december , 2008..
- Öberg, T., Filipsson, M. and Bergbäck, B. (2007). Exposure factors: How to characterize the data?. Annual Meeting of the Society for Risk Analysis, San Antonio, Texas, 9-12 december 2007.
- Alriksson, S. and Öberg, T. (2006). Conjoint analysis as a tool for risk communication. Annual Meeting of the Society for Risk Analysis, Baltimore, Maryland, 3-6 december 2006.
- Alriksson, S. and Öberg, T. (2005). Towards a closed steel eco-cycle. Conjoint analysis as a decision tool. University of Kalmar. 27-26.
- Sander, P., Bergbäck, B. and Öberg, T. (2005). An evaluation of software for probabilistic risk assessment. Society for Risk Analysis Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida, 4-7 December, 2005.
- Öberg, T. (1990). Brominated aromatics from combustion. Kemikalieinspektionen.
- Öberg, T. and Bergström, J. (1987). Halogenated aromatics from waste incineration – indicator parameters. American Flame Research Committee.
- Bergström, J. and Öberg, T. (1987). Incineration of PCB and other hazardous wastes. American Flame Research Committee.
- Öberg, T. (1987). Production of halogenated aromatics from waste incineration – indicator parameters and operational control. Proceedings från Swedish Flame Days, Studsvik, 8-9 september, 1987.Report
- Filipsson, M., Bergbäck, B. and Öberg, T. (2008). Exponeringsfaktorer vid riskbedömning. Naturvårdsverket.
- Filipsson, M. and Öberg, T. (2008). Undersökning och riskbedömning av Trekantens badplats - Riskkarakterisering.
- Alriksson, S. and Öberg, T. (2007). Conjoint analysis as a decision tool for evaluation of environmental performance. Jernkontoret.
- Öberg, T., Sander, P. and Bergbäck, B. (2006). Probabilistisk riskbedömning – fas 2. Naturvårdsverket Rapport 5621.
- Öberg, T. (2006). Probabilistisk riskbedömning fas 1. Sannolikhetsbaserad uppskattning av miljö- och hälsorisker i förorenade markområden – en litteraturöversikt. Naturvårdsverket.
- Ronneteg, U., Cederqvist, L., Rydén, H., Öberg, T. and Müller, C. (2006). Reliability in sealing of canister for spent nuclear fuel. Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Co.
- Öberg, T. (2006). Utsläpp av långlivade organiska föroreningar från de svenska stålverken. Jernkontorets Forskning.
- Öberg, T. (2005). Bilaga till rapport Miljögifter i fisk 2001/2002 - Resultat av analyser av flamskyddsmedel i fisk från Vänern och Vättern. Vätternvårdsförbundet, Vänerns vattenvårdsförbund och Naturvårdsverket.
- Öberg, T. and Bergbäck, B. (2005). Probabilistisk riskbedömning. Sannolikhetsbaserad uppskattning av miljö- och hälsorisker i förorenade markområden – en litteraturöversikt. Rapport till Naturvårdsverket.
- Müller, C. and Öberg, T. (2004). Strategy for verification and demonstration of the sealing process for canisters for spent fuel. Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB.
- Öberg, T. (2003). Karakterisering av dioxininnehåll i avfall - en litteratursammanställning. Svenska Renhållningsverksföreningen.
- Öberg, T. (2003). Luftutsläpp av organiska miljögifter från ljusbågsugnar: Förekomst och möjliga åtgärder för att minska miljöpåverkan. Jernkontorets Forskning.
- Öberg, T. (2003). Miljögifter i fisk 2001/2002. Ämnen enligt vattendirektivets lista i fisk från Vänern och Vättern.. Vätternvårdsförbundets, Vänerns vattenvårdsförbund och Naturvårdsverket.
- Öberg, T. (1996). Replacement of PCB (polychlorinated biphenyls) and HCB (hexachlorobenzene) - the Swedish experience. Kemikalieinspektionen.
- Öberg, T. (1996). Validering av prediktionsmodeller för NOx-mätning. Värmeforsk.
- Öberg, T. (1995). Användning av HFC-, FC-föreningar och SF6. Underlagsrapport för Naturvårdsverkets arbete med klimatpåverkande ämnen.
- Öberg, T. (1995). Fasta polymerers bidrag till växthuseffekten - stabilitet och nedbrytningsprodukter av PTFE. Underlagsrapport för Naturvårdsverkets arbete med klimatpåverkande ämnen.
- Öberg, T. (1994). Brominated aromatics from waste handling and recycling processes. Kemikalieinspektionen.
- Öberg, T. (1994). Driftstudier och processmodellering - vattenverk. Rapport till VA-FORSK.
- Öberg, T. (1994). Förekomst av PCB och PCN i varor och kemiska produkter i Sverige. Kemikalieinspektionen.
- Öberg, T. (1992). Bildning av dioxin - litteraturstudie och utvärdering av mätdata. Jernkontorets Forskning.
- Öberg, T. (1992). Prediktionsmodeller - Dioxinindikator II. Redovisning av forskningsuppdrag till NUTEK, Renhållningsverksföreningen och Uppsala Energi AB.
- Öberg, T. and Bergström, J. (1988). Indicator parameters for PCDD/PCDF. Redovisning av forskningsuppdrag till Statens Energiverk.
- Öberg, T. and Bergström, J. (1988). Organiska mikroföroreningar från stålverk. Jernkontorets Forskning.
- Bergström, J. and Öberg, T. (1986). Organiska mikroföroreningar från avfallsförbränning. Underlagsrapport för Statens Energiverks och Naturvårdsverkets utredning 'Energi ur avfall'.Works in Popular Science
- Öberg, T. (2008). Förbrytelser mot naturen under lupp. Svenska Dagbladet, Under strecket den 9 oktober. Kulturdelen, sidan 14.
- Öberg, T. (2008). Om vulkanvintern kommer. Svenska Dagbladet, Under strecket den 7 augusti. Kulturdelen, sidan 8.
- Öberg, T. (2005). Varför så tyst om riskerna med nano?. Ny Teknik. Nr. 20, den 18 maj.
- Öberg, T. (1993). Bygg in upptäckarglädjen i produktionen. Dagens Industri.Other
- Öberg, T. (2002). Klassificering av markprov utifrån föroreningsmönster. Nätverket Renare Marks vårmöte i Skövde, 19-20 mars 2002.
- Öberg, T. (2002). Statistisk osäkerhet och riskbedömning av förorenad mark. Nätverket Renare Marks vårmöte i Skövde, 19-20 mars 2002.
- Öberg, T. (1995). Comparison of performance of PLSR and neural net modelling on process data. 4th Scandinavian Symposium on Chemometrics i Lund, 13-14 juni, 1995.
